domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Story Fields and Reading Thinks

On June 12th, I was fortunate enough to be invited to join Reading Thinks at their Book Fair, at St. John's School, in Pilar.

I held a series of eight sessions, run in the morning and afternoon shifts at this very nice, welcoming, cosy and professional-looking kindergarten.

The kids and teachers joined me at the library, which was filled with books, lovely pictures, and natural light, all of which contributed to the magical atmosphere which can only be created by storytelling from the heart.

The SUM hosted the lovely and very colourful Book Fair that Reading Thinks displayed during the whole week, sharing lovely books and powerful stories with the whole of the Kindergarten students, school staff and families.

A huge THANK YOU hug to all the kids, their teachers and the very professional and caring school staff, and a special word of acknowledgement to Lic. Karina Gimenez and Lic. Alejandra Darvique from Reading Thinks for their trust and support.

So long!

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