domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Story Fields at Pequeña Sociedad

Last week Story Fields and Hello babies! held a wonderful event at Pequeña Sociedad in Belgrano.

We shared a very energetic session with kids aged 2 to 5 and their parents, enjoying stories, songs and games! Thank you ALL for joining us :)

Hello babies! offers ALL English for babies courses at Pequeña Sociedad and Story Fields offers Storytelling Workshops for Kids.

In April, Story Fields starts with its Monthly Storytelling Meetings. These will take place on the second Thursday of every month, at 17.30 (kids aged 2 to 5) and at 18.30 (kids aged 6 to 10). For further information contact me at : or Pequeña Sociedad at: 47014960.

First meeting: April 12th. Please, book your place in advance.

See you there!

So long!

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