lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

Teacher's Day Celebration at Asoc. de Ex-alumnas del Lenguas Vivas

Last Friday evening I was honoured to be part of this traditional celebration, where teachers and students of different foreign languages and from different places in Argentina, get together to receive prizes, to share part of the work they have done during the year and to enjoy Teacher's Day together.

The event began with some of the teachers dressed as courtesans greeting guests, who were then invited to look through a room where students' work was exhibited. After that some very moving words were spoken by the leaders of the Asociacion, videos with stds' work were shown, and then I shared some stories together with a lovely audience. We finished the evening with a delicious toast and celebration.

Thank you all very much for the invitation, and for your lovely feedback at the end of my presentation. A special word of gratitude and admiration for her work to Myrian Casamassima, who was in charge of the event.

Happy teacher's day!

So long!

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