miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Story Fields at the Lenguas!


All the way down Carlos Pellegrini, almost reaching Libertador Ave. - before the "rulero" building at the corner - stands, pretty much like a sacred or holy haven, my beloved Lenguas: ISP en Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramon Fernandez".

Yesterday, after over a decade of being away, I came back by the kind hand of Griselda Beacon and her Children's Literature class, which is a subject at the English Teacher Training College.

I was greeted by the DECOED people, who had kindly set everything up at the Conference Room, in what to me is "The Old Building" - with all the romantic and magical implications this title has!

Then, one by one, and in small groups, all the students arrived, together with Griselda. We shared a whole class full of stories, tips, reflection and critical analysis on storytelling and stories in general.

It was a wonderful experience, and I am very grateful for it!

A huge thank-you hug to all the girls in the class, to Griselda Beacon for her generosity and openness, and to the Lenguas!
A final word of acknowledgement to Claudia Ferradas Moi, for her suggestion, support, kindness and concern.
So long!

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