miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Story Fields at the Lenguas!


All the way down Carlos Pellegrini, almost reaching Libertador Ave. - before the "rulero" building at the corner - stands, pretty much like a sacred or holy haven, my beloved Lenguas: ISP en Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramon Fernandez".

Yesterday, after over a decade of being away, I came back by the kind hand of Griselda Beacon and her Children's Literature class, which is a subject at the English Teacher Training College.

I was greeted by the DECOED people, who had kindly set everything up at the Conference Room, in what to me is "The Old Building" - with all the romantic and magical implications this title has!

Then, one by one, and in small groups, all the students arrived, together with Griselda. We shared a whole class full of stories, tips, reflection and critical analysis on storytelling and stories in general.

It was a wonderful experience, and I am very grateful for it!

A huge thank-you hug to all the girls in the class, to Griselda Beacon for her generosity and openness, and to the Lenguas!
A final word of acknowledgement to Claudia Ferradas Moi, for her suggestion, support, kindness and concern.
So long!

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Halloween at Newland College in Parque Centenario

Last week I was warmly welcomed by Moira Valenti, her teachers and the 4th and 5th form students to celebrate Halloween through a storytelling event.

It was a very nice and positive experience, with an eager and keen audience, who interacted very fluently with me the whole time. I had lots of fun!

Both Moira and the kids were nice enough to create and fill out a written assessment for me. Thank you! It was great!

A big thank-you hug to all the 4th and 5th formers, to the teachers and staff at the school, and above all to Moira Valenti - Head of the English Department - for her genrosity, support and trust.

So long!

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Halloween at Hey-Day Hayet Institute in Avellaneda

I am very happy and grateful to have been part of the wonderful Halloween celebration held at Hey-Day Institute in Avellaneda.

All the people at Hey-Day were just great! From the very little ones in their costumes, asking for Trick or Treat, to the adults who were enthralled by the stories we shared! In one of the sessions, there was one boy whose spooky mask was actually bleeding!!! Awesome!

A big thank you to all the kids, students, parents, teachers and people who helped put eveything together.

A final word of acknowledgement to Vilma, one of the Coordinators of the institute, and to Maria Celeste Hayet, Head and Director. Girls, I was honestly struck by your generosity, kindness, passion for teaching and professionalism. Thanks and congratulations!

So long!
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