lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Welcome back!

Today, these are the words that will be said, heard and repeated throughout the classrooms in Argentina, as we greet our students with open arms and hearts:

Welcome Back!

To celebrate and honour this special day for teachers, students and parents, I would like to share with you a few quotes from Greg H. Quinn`s book 365 Meditations for Teachers, by Scholastic, hoping that you might find them useful today, tomorrow, next week and on any day when you feel you need a pat on the shoulder or a loving bear hug.

May your school year be full of passion, surprise, magic, gift and stories!

So long!

"Each and every day...
Each and every child.
I have the power, the passion,
the skill and the knowledge
to make a difference.
Each and every day...
Each and every child."
Sandra McBrayer
"A student's success in school starts in the head and hearts of his or her parents and teachers. The way they see them. the way they see themselves, is what they will become."
Linda Holt
"Every September (March in our case)
is like Christmas,
and every student,
a surprise gift to open."
Mary V. Bicouvaris

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

A very special invitation for you!


Dear friends and colleagues,

I am very glad to get in touch with you again and share my news.

Please read the brochure above to book your
storytelling event in advance.

So long!

And may you have a wonderful,
magical and empowering school year,
full of stories to share, seeds to sow and harvests to reap.

Thanks for spreading the word!


viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

All you need is LOVE... all you need is LOVE....

I am glad to say I have decided to get together with you again and start sharing this new year on a very special day: Valentine's Day!

So, Happy Valentine to you all!!!

Leaving aside the commercial value this special day may have to some people, I just want to share a very special phrase with you. This quote is by Luciano De Crescenzo, the late Italian writer, engineer and actor. And it goes like this:

We are each of us angels
with only one wing,
and we can only fly
by embracing
one another

So when you get home tonight, or maybe on the way, why not?, get hold of a one-winged angel, just like yourself, embrace one another, and celebrate Valentine's Day!

Cheers to love, family and friends!!!

So long!
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