domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Hot Chocolate & Stories at ABS International Congress for ELT Managers and Directors of Studies


One day a "young" woman chose some of her favourite stories, and together with some friends who joined her and supported her, sat down in front of a gathering of interested and interesting people to entertain them with these stories.

The owner of the house had invited lots of people to come and listen to the stories, and lots of people had come!

The place where the community gathered was very comfortable, with cushions on the floor, and chocolate-scented candles, with background music and friendly lights.

The stories filled the listeners' hearts and souls, and hot chocolate was served, just to go with the stories!

All in all, it was a very pleasant experience, and the "young" woman was very grateful to all the participants, the owner of the house, and her friends!

Thank you very much to

all the people who stayed and joined us;

to Laura and Miguel for this chance;

to Karina Gimenez from Reading Thinks

for all the Barefoot Stories

and the hot chocolate

and the raffles;

to Eugenia Dell'Osa from Babies' Corner,

for her suggestions and help;

to Maria Marta Suarez from ALL,

for her support and help;

and to YOU,

who are taking the time to read

and learn a little more about
Story Fields!

So long!

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