martes, 6 de abril de 2010

The Teacher I'd like to Become

More than 10 years ago, during my NLP training course with Jamie and Laura, I wrote a long poem entitled: The teacher I'd like to become.
In this very intrapersonal piece I described different aspects of teaching and learning, and put together all my thoughts, stating what I wanted. As we say in NLP: Knowing what you want helps you to get it.
Today, as I come across this poem again, I reread it and I can happily see all the things I have accomplished, as well as all the things that remain a challenge for me as a professional. I also see that some things have changed, and I no longer want them! (which I think is pretty healthy, after 12 years!!).
I want to share some extracts of this poem with you today, in the deep hope that we may all know what kind of teacher we want to become, so that then we can become those teachers.

I'd like to become a teacher
who can easily and naturally cater for
different students and their "demands"
all the time.
I'd like to become a teacher
whose students ask from time to time:
"Teacher, teacher, what do you have such big ears for?"
"To hear and listen to you better," I'd say.
"Teacher, teacher, what do you have such big eyes for?"
"To see and look at you better," I'd say.
"And teacher, teacher, what do you have such contagious and
open body movements and such a big generous heart for?"
"To feel you and love you better and more," I'd say.
I'd like to become a teacher
who's always producing new and astonishing
surprises out of her magic hat,
and who has a wand and
believes in magic and in wishes.
I'd like to become a true teacher.
True to myself and my students.
True to my beliefs.
True to my dreams.
True to my mission in life.
I'd just like to become a teacher.
So long!

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