domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

The Power of Storytelling in the classroom

From times immemorial stories have been part of our intricate tapestry of beliefs and behaviors as a culture, and as a people. Wisdom and knowledge of all kinds have been passed on from generation to generation through word of mouth, through stories. The power stories carry within them cannot be denied, or forgotten.

However, more and more often we see how these stories that have been so very much a part of our childhood run the risk of getting lost and being forgotten in a world that is full of the latest technology; where we are always running after one thing or another; where we as responsible adults, parents and educators have little time to cater for needs which are not the basic ones. As I always say, we answer the urgent call, but not always the important one.

This is an invitation to bring back the stories we treasured as children, as parents, as teachers and invite them into our classrooms once again.

All around the world, and for several years now, there has been a revival of sorts related to the importance of stories, and an appreciation for the value of storytelling as a valid, powerful, effective and affective teaching and learning practice in the classroom.

Particularly in the case of our EFL classrooms, stories come as a useful, handy, authentic and motivating resource. It is essential that all teachers, working with learners of all levels of English and all ages understand this power, and take the plunge to use stories in their classroom. After all, stories are the seeds of life, and we are here to spread them and help them grow.

viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

Ode to my friends

On this special day, I want to wish ALL MY FRIENDS,
a happy, happy DAY!

To my friends.

To the ones I see all the time, to the ones I see quite often, and to the ones I hardly ever see, but whom I keep in my heart, my thoughts, my prayers and my soul.

To my friends from work, from previous and present jobs.

To the ones who met me when I kept my hair curly and long, I had no wrinkles but I had glasses; and to the new ones, who met me without the glasses but with the wrinkles and the daughters.

To my life-long friends.

To my friends from my daughters' school.

To the ones I have shared tears, and dreams, and jokes with.

To the ones I share "life" with.

To my goddaughters' moms, and to my daughters' godmothers.

To my facebook friends.

To my blogspot friends and followers.

To all the ones who listen to me, support me, love me, respect me and understand me, without questions, without demands, just being there, always.

Because each and every single one of you, to a greater or lesser extend, has made my life happier, and more pleasant, and easier, and more fun, and more interesting, and more worth living, THANKS!!! and HAPPY DAY!!!

martes, 10 de julio de 2012

Happy winter holidays!

One single image can be much more powerful than a million words.



domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Story Fields at Colegio Arrayanes

On June 14th I visited Colegio Arrayanes in Garin, where I was welcomed by very nice and warm people who helped me create a magical aura around my stories, which ended up "bewitching" all the 1st to 4th form students at this very airy and open school, surrounded by trees.

The students, teachers and I engaged in stories, games and songs, participating and sharing a lovely sunlit afternnon together.

A big thank you hug to Catalina Paso Viola, for making the whole thing possible, and to Paula Del Bretto, Head of the English Department. And above all, thanks Arrayanes people for your warmth and generosity!

So long!

Story Fields and Reading Thinks

On June 12th, I was fortunate enough to be invited to join Reading Thinks at their Book Fair, at St. John's School, in Pilar.

I held a series of eight sessions, run in the morning and afternoon shifts at this very nice, welcoming, cosy and professional-looking kindergarten.

The kids and teachers joined me at the library, which was filled with books, lovely pictures, and natural light, all of which contributed to the magical atmosphere which can only be created by storytelling from the heart.

The SUM hosted the lovely and very colourful Book Fair that Reading Thinks displayed during the whole week, sharing lovely books and powerful stories with the whole of the Kindergarten students, school staff and families.

A huge THANK YOU hug to all the kids, their teachers and the very professional and caring school staff, and a special word of acknowledgement to Lic. Karina Gimenez and Lic. Alejandra Darvique from Reading Thinks for their trust and support.

So long!

domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Story Fields at Colegio Arlene Fern

Last week I enjoyed some great sessions with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders at colegio Arlene Fern in Belgrano.

I was welcomed by Karin Meischenguiser, Head of the English Department and a bunch of very nice people who made sure I had everything I needed to make this event as magical and successful as it turned out to be.

The sessions were packed with enthusiastic students, their teachers, other members of the school staff and even parents who joined us at story time!

Thanks for such a lovely afternoon together, filled with stories, and for your warmth and generosity! Thanks Arelene Fern!

So long!

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

Story Fields at Lenguas Vivas

Last Monday evening I shared an awesome session at Lenguas Vivas, with Griselda Beacon's Childrens' Literature Students, where I am an "adscripta."

All together, we journeyed the imaginary worlds of stories and discoverd their enormous power, as well as the impact stories can have on their audiences, both young and young at heart.

We shared anecdotes, feelings, experiences, songs, comments and, of course, stories - including our favourite ones!

A huge thank you hug to all the students and teachers there, and, once again, THANK YOU Griselda!

So long!
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